Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ladies,What if they stop making makeup and no makeup forever.......?


The world would go extremely insane if makeup would be gone forever.

WHat are your thoughts?????Ladies,What if they stop making makeup and no makeup forever.......?
wow I can't imagine what some people might look like cause they seem to hide their imperfections under makeup Take someone like Oprah Winfrey.Ladies,What if they stop making makeup and no makeup forever.......?
Make up itself is very simple stuff. Colors from nature (rose petals, charcoal, petroleum jelly etc.) have always been the basis for beauty products.Women will always find a way to make themselves more attractive, it is in our nature to groom ourselves to be desireable to the oppisite sex. If the big companys quit forever, beauty will find a way!
Not a problem. I could live without it.
i'd be pissed because i love my Barry M glitter eye crayon and nail polish.aghhhh,life without nail polish?!

but meh.i'd get over it eventually.. :z
I probably have enough stockpiled to last forever.
It would make me very happy. Then we would see who really is pretty without all of that artificial crapp. Oh how nice the world would be. Free, free, at last to be me and you could be you without the mask. No more make-up being made would also save some animals lives due to animal testing for make-up. Animal fat,etc...and other things belonging to animals and insects is used in the production of cosmetics.
Oh my goodness, I can't even picture what would happen.

Most guys probably would have to go gay because some girls look like monsters without it. I'd lock myself in my room and never leave. Its a scary thought I do not even want to think about.
Hmm it's like a habit that would be INSANELY hard to break.

But we'd all get used to it sooner or later.

Probably make our own out of characoal (or however u spell it) and plants or something..
I wouldn't mind because I am comfortable with myself without make-up.

I'd probably be a little upset if I got a pimple though =P
I'll be very happy, I love facing people w/o any of my make-up, those so-called pretty gals will look so ugly w/o their make-up!! hahaha......
Most likely hide myself in the bathroom. I don't exactly like me without makeup.
Well, you could always make your own. Have you ever checked the ingrediants on beauty product? In fancy words they are basically saying the lip gloss your wearing is made out of crushed beetle juice and aloe. Nasty thought, isn't it? But, seriously, making it wouldn't be that hard. Just do whatever Indians used to do.

As for me personally, I could totally live without make up. I think the world would be a better place. I would love to see my snotty, spoiled foe go without make up. It would be hilarious! I don't wear make up except for the occasional powder so I'm not shiny and chap stick, if that is considered make up. = ]
I would be sooo mad...
The beauty industry would literally become non-existant. So, women would be able to think for themselves again and he world would be a better place. I hate makeup. Don't know why anyone would even feel the need to wear it in the first place.

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